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Asturix 4 released!

Posted at January 10, 2012 | By : | Categories : News | 13 Comments

The team is proud to announce the immediate availability of Asturix 4.

Some of its features:

  • A new desktop experience. We have developed a new desktop environment to improve usability, productivity and help you stay focused. It just works
  • It has the biggest color palette in the world by default. We signed a partnership with GiveLifeCS so you can enjoy more than 5000 colors when you’re using GIMP, Inkscape or another design apps
  • Previews of all. Now you don’t have to open the full LibreOffice to preview a document. Hit space on any file, with any extension and preview it. It’s all about productivity
  • Social and microblogging networks integrated, such as Twitter, Facebook or Identi.ca
  • Asturix Bridge lets you to add, remove and execute web applications as native applications
  • Chromium web browser, LibreOffice, GIMP, Clementine, VLC… it has all the apps you want to find in a default install. Plus you can install tons of apps from the Software Center
  • Libre and free music thanks to Jamendo bundled into the music player Clementine, and it’s legal!
  • Cool workspace management using Super+S keys
Known issues:
  • There is a pink zone in the installer. Ok, maybe this is not an issue :P
  • Some settings are not initialized in the fallback session. Will solve it soon
  • VirtualBox must have Guest Additions to run it properly
Some screenshots:


  • Sebastian

    %A %B %e%q, %Y at %I:%M %p

    Por ahora no la conocía, la he descubierto en Softpedia, y la tengo que probar ahora mismo, parece muy interesante. Muchas gracias por contribuir al mundo Linux.

  • Chdslv

    %A %B %e%q, %Y at %I:%M %p

    Wish you luck with the new way of using one’s desktop. I’ve been using your Asturix On for sometime, so I know it is good.
    Good luck!

  • Siacs

    %A %B %e%q, %Y at %I:%M %p

    Of all the new styles of desktops that have been surfacing I really like this one. Great Job. First time user but have installed and using as my daily for a while. Hats of Asturix

  • J F Castro

    %A %B %e%q, %Y at %I:%M %p

    Muy buen trabajo. Una presentación muy cuidada y una mayor facilidad de uso a todos los niveles. ¿Qué hace la Consejería de Educación y el Gobierno de Asturies ante estos esfuerzos tan loables para crear herramientas de educación tan eficaces y baratas?

  • kmb

    %A %B %e%q, %Y at %I:%M %p

    That doesn’t look like a new desktop for me. It looks like gnome3 with some customisation. Or what’s the differemnce?

  • Ricardo

    %A %B %e%q, %Y at %I:%M %p

    @kmb, there are a lot of differencies. The design can be similar for you, but it’s completely wrong. Are similar Opensuse and Fedora because they use Gnome3?

  • Fernando

    %A %B %e%q, %Y at %I:%M %p

    Gracias por el excelente trabajo. Rápidamente se ve que es una distro muy profesional.

  • Alumnos de TIC, I.E.S. Valle de Aller

    %A %B %e%q, %Y at %I:%M %p

    Os escribimos desde el Instituto de Moreda. Ahora mismo estamos instalando Asturix 4 :) Ya os contaremos nuestra experiencia. Saludos.

  • Jorge

    %A %B %e%q, %Y at %I:%M %p

    Impresionante Distro. Acabo de instalarla en mi Asus eee 1015PX y reconoció absolutamente todo: Wifi sin problemas, buena duración de batería, cámara y hasta el mic interno, cosa que no me ocurría con otras distros. Todo esto sin modificar o agregar nada. Lo único que en el administración de “energía” no está la opción de “apagar el equipo” al cerrar la tapa. Solo suspender o hibernar .

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