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Valencia very important for Asturix again. Luis Iván Cuende participates in the II Business Excellence Forum

Posted at October 28, 2012 | By : | Categories : Events,News | 1 Comment

Last year in Valencia happened the beginning of the friendship of Luis Ivan and “Maddog”. Because he was able to present Asturix On at the end of his keynote speach. Now Luis Ivan was able to spread his entrepreneurship through the II Business Excellence Forum organized flawlessly by AJE Valencia.

The event had a great impact and Cultural and Sport Center La Petxina was filled to the brim. Also spread the news media through the press, radio and television.

Some quotes and content of his speech:

“The use of technology to facilitate the lives of people”.
“Choose something you like to start doing”.
“You can launch startups without resources”.
“Technology and knowledge to help underdeveloped countries.”
“In Spain, the business culture is very conservative.”
“Windows 8 is designed for mobile platforms, everything looks very wide.”
“Windows 8 will be another great failure of Microsoft”.
“The Education System helps neither promotes entrepreneurship”.
“Companies are looking for creative profiles”.
“Asturix is a nonprofit organization.”
“About the error that he wanted not to commit: Specialization answered.”
“The difficult thing is not knowing what to do, but knowing what not to do .”
“If you want to work in Asturix you have all kinds of things to do.”
“Successful people: somebody who does what he likes, who is happy.”
“In the Education System, Science should not be separate of Letters”.
“Education:” We must teach people to function in the world. The University is far away of reality. “
“It should encourage universities to promote self-education.”
“You have to teach the child to manage / search the contents.”
“Is very important teaching people to navigate the world at an early age (the lemonade stand).”
“Spain is the envy’s country, we must promote the community. We have to learn to be citizens of the world.”
“The success model is the ‘freemium’: free basic service and payment procedures to generate revenue.”
“I have not been successful, I have coded things and my biggest goal is to be happy.”
“The Education System serves to kill the entrepeneurship.”
“My biggest mistake has been to diversify too much.”
“I advise entrepreneurs to create trends rather than follow them.”
The dream: “I created Asturix to give to Asturias a free software and save € million”.
“With 50 € you can do many things, almost anything you want, with 50,000 € gets faster.”
Free Software: “If you distribute copies of Windows they put you in jail, if you distribute Asturix sent you a pin.”
“When I started Asturix ProjectI did not even receive me any administrations.”
“The reward is in the journey, not the goal.”
“It took me three years to get my first prize. Course, had 15 years”.
“I started with years of hard work and no reward.”

TV “La Tertulia”.10.26.12 records rtvv. Canal 9.

Daily News 25.10.12 Canal 9. Summary 23:06;  news 37:00

Radio Nou. 10.25.12 Podcast

Some links:

The best european young hacker Luis Iván Cuende talks about young entrepreneurship. 10/24/2012. Europa Press. Expansión.

A hacker with us. Las Provincias. 10/25/2012. Angel Ramírez. Valencia.

Luis Iván Cuende: “We must ensure that those who do not have job, can create it themselves.” - Las Provincias. 26/10/2012. X. Moret – Valencia

The Spanish Education System kills creativity– El Mundo. 26/10/2012. Noa de la Torre. Valencia

´With a company you must be the best at what you do´. Levante-EMV. 27/10/2012. Víctor Romero. Valencia.

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