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This is the list of the persons that have helped us with a donation. You can donate easily or you can buy products with the Asturix’ logo in our shop

Donante Cantidad Comentario
LAUDE Palacio de Granda 300 € Event Palace Granda College, December 4, 2012
Antonio Fernández Yáñez 40 € I use Asturix since the first edition and the evolution has been awesome in this few time.
Florentino Martínez Roces 20 €
Jose Maria Muñoz 15 € Little to little, All the people are more free. Long live to Asturix!!! MoRZiLLo
Sergio Borrás Caules 15 € Go on with your project! Congratulations!
Óscar Díaz López 10 €
Juzama 10 €
Néstor Palau Pinedo 5 € I dedicate this money to this great cause that Asturix is.