We think that in best of all worlds free means freedom In Asturix, we promote social change through technology.
Asturix OS can run on any computer, even old ones. It works!
You don't have to be rich to use Asturix OS. It's free!
Asturix is an open project. Feel free to join us! We're a network of people working for a better world.
Welcome to Asturix!
Asturix is a team of people who believe in a free culture and develop free software. We are an open project. Join us now and start working on awesome free software products or create your own sub-project using our infrastructure. We're all about entrepreneurship!
Asturix 4 OS

Asturix OS 4 is one of the most innovative modern operating systems available. You can use your computer as easily as you use Windows or Mac OS X - or better.
Asturix 3 Lite

Asturix OS 3 Lite is fast and lightweight, among the fastest available, while still offering the capabilities of a heavier system.
Asturix People

Asturix People is the definitive democratic platform. Anyone can fully participate where Asturix People is installed
Asturix On

An upcoming release by Asturix, new and innovative. It will be the rebirth of the desktop.